Robbo Gets It Wrong

A local resident recently wrote to our newly elected MP for Chelmsford, Marie Goldman, about the Hamptons Mosque. Rather than reply herself, she passed it to Stephen Robinson, the leader of the council. Here’s his response in full:


Marie Goldman asked me to reply to this. This is primarily an issue for the City Council as Local Planning Authority.

I keep in touch regularly with Cllr Young on this subject and she is aware of local concerns. As you know, it is a little more difficult for Cllr Sosin as she is Chair of the Planning Committee and so cannot be seen to be taking a position in advance of any planning application that might be submitted for Hamptons. They have been encouraged many times to submit an application, as the best way to finally clarify the uses of the site.

My understanding is that Cllr Young has replied to any local residents contacting her with concerns and will of course continue to do so. However, planning enforcement is not an area in which councillors are involved in making decisions. It is an officer-led process and they have to follow the law.

Any resident who thinks that there has been a breach of current planning use should report it and it will be investigated

I have asked for an update on the current situation.


Stephen Robinson

They have been encouraged many times to submit an application

Now we’re not sure where Robbo got this information from, but it does rather suggest that the Hamptons Mosque have received “off the record” advice, which is contradictory to the council’s opinion on the lawful use of the venue, which doesn’t need additional planning permission.

To the best of our knowledge, the only suggestion of the submission of a planning application is from 23/09/20.

And the council immediately backed down - November 2020

Within weeks of this notice being issued to the Hamptons Mosque, Ayman Syed from CMS, was straight onto Planning Services, claiming that the current uses were very “limited”, and that the information that the council officers used to make their decision were “proposed uses”. And the council caved in to pressure, revised their decision, and sent us this:

“These are use i) of the main hall for an act of worship on Fridays for a period of 1 – ½ hours or thereabouts and ii) of a room on Saturday mornings by an external organisation IQRA, for hosting a youth group.  This information has been considered by officers from the Council’s Legal and Planning Services.

It is reasonable in assessing the case to conclude that the lawful “ community building” or “community centre” use of Hamptons is capable of accommodating a certain degree of public worship/religious instruction use provided this use is limited in nature and doesn’t take on the character of a more dominant feature in the community use of the premises” Planning Services to Save the Hamptons 14/11/20

Post 2020

The change in the character and nature of the venue, is barely noticeable !

Since then, we’ve seen no suggestions by council officers that the Hamptons Mosque submit a change of use planning application, to clarify the uses of the site, and we have over 1,000 council documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

The proposed uses suggested by CMS in 2020, and hours and hours of additional activities have become a reality, justified by new “legal advice” taken by council officers, that we paid for, but aren’t allowed to see. The “limited use” appears to be able to increase year on year, unchecked by nameless council officers in charge, who favour diversity over resident’s rights.

The character and nature of the venue has changed from a much loved community venue to a full blown segregated mosque with ritual ablution facilities, operating almost 24hrs a day. Providing over 80 hours a week of activities linked to public worship/religious instruction, and offering activities, just for the Muslim community, at times when the venue is closed to the public.

Add that to the recent blasting out of the call to prayer, the secret funeral services held at the mosque, and rumours of religious circumcisions, a reasonable person would conclude:

its Hardly limited in nature, is it Stephen ?