A Christmas Message From Our Team.
It’s a been a remarkable year. When our fledgling team came together in January, we never expected the level of support from you all. It’s a clear sign to us, that residents and centre users are behind us…and that we must continue to fight to save the Hamptons.
One of the last times the venue was full, Save The Hamptons meeting 25/01/20
The last 11 months has been a real rollercoaster, we’ve had to contend with a wall of silence from the Chelmsford Muslim Society and some ridiculous behaviour from Chelmsford City Council.
We share residents anger at the current situation, where a documented planning breach (using the centre for mass congregational worship on Fridays), has now been deemed to be a “lawful use”. It’s certainly not a temporary use, it’s always been part of the long term plans for Hamptons.
We will continue to challenge this decision. We are outraged that the Chelmsford Muslim Society have been allowed to bend planning rules time and time again, assisted by a member of the planning committee.
Chelmsford City Council are “circling the wagons”. Our emails are no longer answered by named officers (despite the council insisting that our emails are signed) and our Freedom Of Information requests are taking longer and longer to be fulfilled. The content of their replies is largely just copied and pasted from previous responses. The Chief Executive is not keen for anyone to directly contact elected councillors about Hamptons. He is clearly hoping we will all go away if they mess us around for long enough….but that will not happen. That is a matter of fact and degree.
What will 2021 bring ?
The most obvious concern we have is the long term sustainability of the business. When we get out the cycle of Covid lockdowns, what will remain at the Hamptons ? With no bar and no cafe, is the racquet membership and dwindling private hire revenue enough to keep the business afloat ?
We are certain that the Chelmford Muslim Society lack the expertise or will to run Hamptons as a sports and lesiure centre. They have made no secret to their generous donors that they want Hamptons to become “the biggest mosque in Essex”. We will not allow that to happen !
We’d be delighted if the council stepped in and purchased Hamptons. They would only need to add a cafe and gym, and it could rival the Riverside Centre. There is very little in the way of sports and leisure facilities for the 15,000 Great Baddow residents…and that must change. Too much of the investment in infrastructure is based around the city centre.
With your continued support, we can restore Hamptons as a successful sports and leisure facility. We will continue the fight, however long it takes.
have a great christmas and a happy new year